Catering & event management software

Everything. Everyone. In order.

Deliver the best catering service for your customers with optimised admin and finances, organised logistics, happy staff, and simple-to-launch e-commerce options.

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Your catering business simplified

Sales management

Every event starts and ends with how you make the customer feel — confident in choosing you and happy that they did.

That’s simple when your sales staff has the right tools to:
  • generate branded proposals quickly
  • create and adjust menus to the customer’s whim
  • provide kitchen and logistics staff up-to-date event details

Project management

Project managers hold the show together. Our tools make it simpler for them to be their best. No more sticky notes and endless update emails to every team.
  • one calendar to monitor all events or track by category
  • auto-generated beverage and inventory packing lists
  • staff assignment and communication in one place

In-house communication

With well-planned menus and up-to-date orders you’re halfway to a well-catered event. That’s when the make-it-happen team shines. All while saving team members hundreds of phone calls and emails.

This crew is ready for success with:
  • daily reports to execute quickly
  • packing lists and daily reports so nothing falls through the cracks
  • driver assignments and delivery and commute confirmations

More orders, less work — online

Expand you business with e-commerce

Why work harder, when you can work smarter? Expand your established catering business or start a new catering operation with e-commerce.

Customers enjoy ordering what they want for when they want — with no hassles.

Set-up is a breeze. But the all-in-one capabilities deliver serious customer satisfaction.

Some Catering Systems e-commerce features:

  • Full inventory management
  • Synced with full system and calendar
  • Customer management and reports
  • Online payments
  • Designated availability for delivery

We’ve built great catering businesses with Catering Systems. Now you can too